Google I/O 2023/2024

motion design

Series of small animated scenes that were played during the annual Google Keynote I/O 2023 & 2024.

Huge: Culture Decoder

motion design & video edit

Developped by Huge data scientists, this revolutionnary tool makes it possible to enhance brand relevance like never before

Huge: Ticketmaster

motion design & video edit

I helped Huge to showcase Ticketmaster’s new design in an animated video.

Google: Sizzle Reel

motion design & video edit

This video showcases a comprehensive collection of animations created for Google.

Ferrari Purosangue Reveal

video edit & art direction

To reveal the groundbreaking Ferrari Purosangue, we created a totally unique and riveting reveal for the exciting new model at the Ferrari Park Avenue showroom, involving projections onto Smart windows,featuring glimpses of the car’s interior and features,
that acted as audiovisual curtains slowly being parted to showcase the Purosangue.
Project created with SUPERBIEN.